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Discussing current issues in engineering
You’re interested in buying a piece of property and have a vision for developing it……now what?
Don’t jump into purchasing just yet! Make sure your vision can become a reality by considering these questions first:
Commissioned engineers determine feasibility by identifying clear or hidden problems that may occur during the planning, design, government review, and construction stages. These problems are identified through a comprehensive analysis of information related either directly or indirectly to the property. This data is comprised of three main categories: legal condition, physical condition and regulatory concern. It’s important to note that feasibility is more than just a technical consideration. Engineers also consider more ambiguous problems such as citizen opposition, or governmental preferences and push-backs. This collective information will become an essential tool for planning and development, and with effective preparation comes success. Are you interested developing a piece of land, but not sure of the risk? If so, give us a call! We offer Feasibility Studies, Environmental Impact Reports and Environmental Site Assessments. Our team is here to provide you with the high-quality engineering services your project deserves. Contact us to get started. Comments are closed.
Colman Engineering, PLCA professional engineering firm located in Harrisonburg, VA Archives
January 2022